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Friday, April 16, 2010

oops - one day late

So this should be the blog for yesterday (tax day, 4/15/10) but I forgot. In recent new, we got keys to the new house today! and we move tomorrow! which means we had our celebratory chinese food and brut at the new house tonight sitting on the floor of the dining room (look for pictures later... it was fun). So fun :)

Anyways, I wanted to talk about what I did for dinner last night - it was fantastic! We're really at the end of our rope because we have just about nothing left in the house. I used the last few potatoes to make some mashed potatoes, but before they were completely finished, I put a head of broccoli (chopped up of course) in the water with them. As potatoes were cooking, I defrosted some salmon (remember, fresh fish, it's a good idea sometimes). And seared that skin-side down in a pan with some olive oil. Then, once you started to see the fish turn a light pink on the sides, flip it. Once the potatoes were soft and the broccoli was that beautiful really green color, drain the water and mash everything together. I mixed some chicken broth (cause I had it) and some blue cheese together. I recommend the chicken broth, I DO NOT recommend the blue cheese - it's too powerful. Maybe some cheddar would be better. Anyways, mashed broccoli and potatoes are great because it's green and a vegg & starch in one. So cool. Plus, kids would probably love it. I don't have kids, but me and hubby are like kids so I bet it's great :)

So, when I flipped the salmon, I put about 3 tbsp of butter in a small saute pan on medium to low heat. I added a bit of sage into that and let it melt and turn a little brown. A brown butter sauce :) It's great on the salmon and broccoli/potato mash. Once it's melted and is a bit brown, add a splash (or two if you like the acid) of lemon juice. It'll sizzle a bit, but it tastes SO good on the salmon.

I plated the broccoli/potato mash first, then salmon on top of that, then the brown sage butter with lemon juice on top of everything. It was delicious. You should cook salmon about 4-5 minutes on a side so it's not overcooked. The hard part with frozen fish is that you take it from frozen to defrosted to cooked in a matter of usually 24 hours or less so overcooking is a little inevitable. But usually it'll be a little over done, but it's always edible and you'll be fine, I promise. Unless you live near a body of water where you can eat fresh fish, then you better cook it nicely because you get fresh fish.

So, I'm heading to bed early because I have to move my entire apartment into our new house tomorrow :) Hurray for new houses! I don't know if Sally (our cat) will enjoy it, but we're so ready :) I'll post pictures as soon as we have them! Bon appetit! Or, as some fish-eating countries say, like in Finland, "Hyvää ruokahalua!"

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