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Monday, April 12, 2010

lazy butt

Yes, I'm being a lazy butt tonight. Well, I guess lazy butt is only half true. I'm doing a bit of packing for this massive move that we still don't know when it will occur. That and I went back to school today for the first time in over a week. Oy, it was a long day. But thank goodness for coffee this morning that Hubby made the night before. I love coffee pots that can be programmed. This is incredibly wonderful at 6:00 am. The smell of coffee this morning had me snoozing the alarm only 3 times instead of 5+! Hubby's thankful for this too.

Anyways, we're ordering chinese tonight. Our faves? General Tso's chicken, pork fried rice, and egg rolls with bunches of soy sauce (hubby) and siracha (both of us). This place near us makes the best egg rolls - I must not have had cabbage enough as a child because I LOVE cabbage now. Plus, chinese food and wine is kind of our thing. It's how we celebrate almost every important anniversary in our lives - especially when we were in college. In fact, Hubby told me that he was going to propose to me on Valentine's Day in 2008 after we had chinese food & wine. Except he couldn't get a hold of my dad to ask him so he didn't propose - we just had a valentine's day full of chinese food & wine. But his proposal was better the way it happened anyways. :)

So it may seem like I have nothing to blog, however.... we made the greatest dessert yesterday too and I forgot to blog about it. As I was packing up the guest room & kitchen yesterday I found some chocolate chip cookie mix that we hadn't used yet. Plus, we had 4 eggs left and 6 sticks of butter in the fridge/freezer. So I asked Hubby to make cookies. Except we didn't have any bowls left out or cookie sheets. Dilemna? Heck no! Our kitchen aid mixer was still out so he used it even though we haven't made cookies in it since Christmas time. It was pretty sweet. And then, what to do when your cookie sheets are packed? Make use of all those wedding gifts and use your mini-muffin tin!

We made miniature chocolate chip cookie cake muffin things! It was pretty sweet... you have to bake them for longer by about 3-5 minutes, so the tops are browned nicely, but they get a nice crustish thing on the outside right away and are mushy and delicious on the inside when they're still warm. It's pretty sweet. And they were pretty delicious! Good job, Hubby.

Oh, I also forgot to take out something from the freezer last night for tonight. Oh well.. chinese will be good and well-deserved, I think! I did take out some pork chops for tomorrow though... I wonder what I'll whip up for dinner... we're running low on stuff in the pantry! Bon Appetit! or... as they say in Mandarin, "請慢用" [please eat slowly]

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