So I was feeling left out of the blogging phenomenon. My sister has a blog, my husband has a blog and all I could do was comment. Boo. So, this week (my spring break) I spent my days packing to move and trying to think of what I could blog about because I was jealous.
Lots of things inspire me... I'm a music teacher so I love to think about teaching and music, but so many people know more than I do and I didn't think I could blog efficiently nor effectively about those subjects. I like to decorate and paint and do crafty things, but I mos def could not write a blog about that. I've read those blogs - I am NOT that creative. Then I thought about food. I love food. I love cooking. I could write a blog about cooking! Like Julie & Julia! Except not... there's no way I could write a blog about how I'm cooking through a famous cookbook! I don't even cook every night for dinner! Then, *lightbulb*, I bet having a blog would make me stick to a goal like cooking dinner every night for, oh, say, a year. Hence, "So... what's for dinner?"
My goal [and this will be my contract] is to cook dinner every night for one whole year. I'm going to start when hubby & I move into our new house, hopefully next week but definitely by next weekend. That way, my first quarter will be the summer months, which I can TOTALLY do. It's the next three quarters that scare me a little, especially since I'll be teaching full-time plus doing my Master's online full-time, plus musical season. ick. But, it's a great way to get me shopping smart, cooking healthily, and sticking with it. I think I can do it. However, I also thought about extreme emergencies and I think I'm going to allow myself one night a month where I don't have to cook anything and hubby & I can go out to dinner. I think that will be fair.
So, if you're interested in food, cooking, and crazy haphazard, "what're we doing for dinner?" conversations, perhaps this will be an interesting read. Or, maybe you're part of my family/friends and are just reading to be nice ;) But it'll be a good ride...
Off to dinner out with the hubby at The Cellar before we spend a weekend of packing. Bon Appetit!
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